One thing I really wanted to share was how I have know that God had prepared me for this situation with Ned. On the Saturday prior to Ned's accident on Sunday, I dropped in my parent's house to let their dog out while they were out-of-town. I picked a book off the shelf called "The Hiding Place." Nothing flashy or fancy about the book, in fact it looked ages old, but it caught my attention. I read much of the book prior to bed and then woke at 2am and finished it before Sunday school. That is extremely out of character for me. I never awaken during the night unable to sleep and I haven't read a book in a day since, maybe, college (actaully more likely to have been in the interest of meeting a due date). In my opinion, the book is profound.
The jist of the book is that there are these two sisters who assist Jews in the underground effort to escape Nazi rule. Their father has taught them all this Biblical truth all their lives and they use his wisdom as teaching tools in the concentration camps (true story). The lesson I most took away from the book was their ability to thank God and give glory to God regardless of the situation at hand. As soon as Travis handed me Ned that Sunday, although he was blue and not breathing, there was within me somewhere a small voice reminding me that if God was present in the Nazi concentration camps, then He was present here; if He could work miracles there, then he could work them here. The truths in that book have allowed me to remain focused on the positive and to give thanks to God for the small things we have or little blessings received. It also leads me to be thankful for the annoyances in life!!
I now know why I grabbed that book and why I stayed awake all night reading it. I needed to know that God's grace and mercy sometimes takes the form of fleas (you'll have to read it)!
Much Love....Good Night,