As a quick update- Ned is doing pretty well now. We have had a difficult time clearing the last MRSA blood infection, but if his current blood culture remains negative through tomorrow, we will say that he cleared on Tuesday and he'll need to run 10 to 14 days on the antiboitic course from that date. The antibiotics are causing him some severe diaper rash, so we're really working on his southern hemisphere and praying about that!! Otherwise, he is up all day, playing, laughing and learning to make some sounds around his trach!! Every minute with him (and both of my children actually) now I can truely consider a blessing in each moment. I am so thankful to be able to spend time with them....can't wait to get in the bed and snuggle Jack in just a minute!
So I had a friend email me this week and made an off the cuff remark about how it never says anywhere in the Bible that "God won't give you more than you can handle"...WHAT??? I was comletely shocked!! How could something that never existed become such a commonplace saying and belief among Christians. And what does it say about us as a Christian body that we, for the most part, have no idea that the concept isn't Biblical? I have spent some serious time researching this and the only promise that comes close is in 1 Cor 10:13 ...and I quote, " For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin, no mattert how it comes or where it leads) has overtaken you and laid hold on you, you that is not common to man (that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience., and such as man can bear). But God is fiathful and He will not let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with temptation He will also provide the way out, that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently."
For me, trials and burdens are completely different. There is a connotation that comes along with the fall to temptation that carries a sense of responsiblity; however, when you just have burdens and trials in life, they are often completely out of your control both in prevention and restoration. I believe my friend was very correct when she said that God gives us more than we can handle all the time so that we will surrender and become fully reliant on Him so that He can be an active part of our lives working in us and through us. I certainly know that He has given me more than I can handle many times and I have made it clear to Him that I can't take anymore!!But, there is more than survial in these times, there is growth to be found there. I am just praying that in these times, I can keep my eyes focused on Him so I don't miss whatever it is that He is trying to show or teach me.